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Comments (5)
rinostefano.rudi@... said
at 7:43 pm on Jan 31, 2010
Grazie Linda per la vostra E-mail. Io insegno matematica in un Liceo a Soverato (Calabria) e mi sto appassionando a geogebra. Io ho esperienze di programmazione in VB ma ammetto Geogebra è veramente superlativo come ... tutte le persone che ci si dedicano!!! Io capisco l'inglese però ho qualche difficoltà a comunicare in questa lingua. Io spero riusciremo a tenere il contatto ... una ragione in più per riprendere confidenza con la lingua inglese. Per adesso tanti ringraziamenti per la vostra disponibilità. Rino Stefano Rudi.
LFS said
at 10:29 pm on Jan 31, 2010
Thank-you. Please write again if you need help using GeoGebra in your classroom. I love GeoGebra. Linda
daniela said
at 6:39 pm on Apr 29, 2010
Ciao! I'm Daniela Maiolino and I'm an italian teacher. I began to use GGB last year in my classroom ( III, IV and V level (16, 17, 18 years old students). I spend a lot of time in the navigation on math 247 because you have produced a lot of of beatiful material.
I have a question, it is possible to access to the file.ggb of Rienmann Summ? I'm just teaching the Integral. best regards Daniela
PS: Sorry for the bad Englisch
e-mail daniela.maiolino@tin.it
LFS said
at 12:09 am on Apr 30, 2010
The classroom simulator is: http://geogebrawiki.pbworks.com/RiemannSums. Double-click on the GeoGebra Activity - it should open in GeoGebra (in a new window). Then you can save it and use it. If this doesn't work write me again!
gpbautista1 said
at 2:26 am on Jul 1, 2010
hi Dr. Fahlberg,
three people have requested to access my page. I am really new to this. Should I approve them. By the way, thank you for including me in this Wiki.
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