
Home > GeoGebra Commands -> Point Commands -> Xcoor

Definition: The x-coordinate of a point A is the first number in the ordered pair.   More 

GeoGebra is currently 2D. So points are ordered pairs of real numbers.
Example: A=(-3,6.21) means x(A)= -3.6 .
The first number is the horizontal x-coordinate and the second number is the vertical y-coordinate.

 GeoGebra InterActivity:    Directions 
In the Algebra View (at left), click and leave your mouse on a to see the definition Number a: x(A).
In the Graphics View (at right), click and drag point A and notice how the value of a changes.
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Syntax Tool Mathcast  PDF GGB GGB Help
x(<Point>)   CASE SENSITIVE - a big x will not work! none YouTube   TeacherTube PDF GGB  

Note:  This is a pre-defined function. Pre-defined functions need to be entered using parentheses. You must not put a space between the function name and the parentheses.  Pre-defined functions are case sensitive. If you type Y(A) you will get: GeoGebra Error, Invalid Input,... .

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