Trace Tips

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Trace -  Tips for using Trace On      C0L0R        B/W   - by LFS and Rafael of the GeoGebra Forum  

Trace Tips: Learn how (1) to make a trace that doesn't cover up the point being traced (easy) and (2) a checkbox to turn the trace on and off (advanced).
YouTube Mathcast or ScreenCast Mathcast (if YT is blocked)
GeoGebra InterActivity Directions for InterActivity  

1. Click on the play button (bottom left) to animate the angle α. The red point B' turns around the unit circle,the teal point C (the big X) moves up and down to the right and traces out the sine function y=sin(x). Notice that you can always see the big X. This is because we are not tracing C but have added another point C'=C, which we have made small so that the trace does not cover the main point.

2. Now de-select the checkbox in front of the Show Trace. The tracing stops AND the trace is cleared.  The first is not hard to do, but for the second we need to use a trick by Rafael of the GeoGebra forum and the little trace image  .


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DIY GeoGebra Interactivity: Do the Trace Tips     Directions:  C0L0R           B/W  

Sorry, the GeoGebra Applet could not be started. Please make sure that Java 1.4.2 (or later) is installed and active in your browser (Click here to install Java now)

Applet DIY Worksheet and A bit about the Math 

Applet DIY Worksheet    C0L0R        B/W   (opens in new window)

A bit about the Math - In the top InterActivity:

1. Click on the play button (bottom left) to animate the angle α. The red point B' turns around the unit circle and the teal point X moves up and down to the right.

2. Now click on pause button. Notice that the teal-colored point X has x-coordinate = value of the angle α (converted to radians) and y-coordinate=y-coordinate of B' on the unit circle. This is the definition of the function y=sin(x). So C=(α, y(B')) traces the sine function.

3. Click on the Move tool.  Click on Show Trace and then on . Now you can see y=sin(x).


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HomeLearn GeoGebra > Tips > Trace

lgebra, distance, speed, time, DST, linear functions, simulator geogebra, application, geometry, program